Soft baked lactation cookies delivered

You've got this
Hi Mama!

They really work like a miracle!

Every cookie is handcrafted with brewer's yeast, oats, and flaxseed. This 'Miracle' milk-boosting combo has worked for generations to help mamas boost their milk supply naturally.

You Deserve a Kookie
  • ★★★★★

    “We spent 16 days in the NICU and every single day I ate two kookies. I breastfed my son every three hours and I was able to pump and store 400 ounces of breastmilk. 400 ounces of milk! these Kookies changed my breastfeeding life and helped my son and I during a very challenging time”

  • ★★★★★

    “I tried EVERYTHING to increase my milk production with my first. Nothing worked like these yummy treats. I treated them like gold. I always had trouble with my supply in the morning, so I’d have one with my morning coffee and it was such a treat. Now I gift them to every new mama I meet and everyone is floored by how yummy they are and how well they work”

  • ★★★★★

    “These cookies are delicious, but they are also a treat that is just mine! I don’t have to share with anyone because they are 'mamas special cookies.' an easy grab in those early breastfeeding days when you feel like you can barely take care of yourself but the hunger is aggressive! easily my favorite subscription!”

  • ★★★★★

    “These are actual Miracle cookies. Every single nurse that's seen me has praised my milk supply, saying I'm days ahead of the 'norm,' and one literally just told me they've never seen somebody pump so much colostrum!”

  • ★★★★★

    “Your cookies made my pumping sessions at work sweet and better. I had low milk supply, but with some power pumping, breastfeeding on demand and your cookies I was able to give only breastmilk to my baby. He will be one year old soon and my fridge is full of frozen breast milk! I will be always thankful and I am always recommending your cookies to breastfeeding moms.”

  • ★★★★★

    “I believe in your product and truly believe it helped me nurse for 12 months with my first born so I'm so excited to do it again with this baby!”


Soft-Baked, fresh from the oven

  • The Original Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Lactation Cookie - Miracle Milkookies
  • The Original Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Lactation Cookie - Miracle Milkookies
  • The Original Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Lactation Cookie - Miracle Milkookies
Regular price


We recommend ordering the cookies so they arrive the week you are due. This way you have them on hand and can snack on them as needed.

Over 95% of our moms make more milk after eating just one serving of cookies.

We recommend eating 2 of our soft-baked cookies (1 serving) per day. The cookies are packaged in a container so you can easily take them with you on the go!

We recommend storing our soft-baked cookies in the freezer where they will stay fresh for up to 6 months.

Yes! Our Klean Kookies are dairy free, soy free, gluten free and vegan!

Our soft-baked cookies are baked and shipped fresh every Tuesday. All orders placed Sunday by midnight are guaranteed to ship the following week.

Our fresh baked lactation cookies are currently direct to consumer, but if you are interested in baking our cookies at home, you can find our Kookie Dough at any Festive Kitchen location in Dallas.

Absolutely! More than half of our business is gifting. You can easily gift another mama our cookies by selecting the gift option when you're checking out. We'll ship direct to your friend's address and also include your custom gift note.

The Klean Kookie

  • Gluten Free

  • Soy Free

  • Dairy Free

  • Vegan

  • The Klean Vegan Soft Baked Kookies (df/gf)
  • The Klean Vegan Soft Baked Kookies (df/gf)
  • The Klean Vegan Soft Baked Kookies (df/gf)
Regular price
Gift Kookies