When should I start eating the kookies? During pregnancy or after? We recommend ordering the kookies so they arrive the week you are due. This way you have them on hand and can supplement as needed.
How many kookies should I eat per day? Most mamas see the best results by eating two per day.
When do you start to see results? Most mamas see results after eating just one serving of Kookies.
Do I need to eat lactation kookies the whole time I am breastfeeding? Miracle Milkookies are just for the times when you need a little boost. Although most of our mamas subscribe for weekly deliveries.
Can I switch my weekly subscription from one flavor to another? Of course! You can log in to your account to make an update at any time, or email us directly at hi@miraclemilkookies.com to change your subscription details.
How soon do the Kookies ship after I order? All orders are baked fresh and will ship within 4 business days.
Can you freeze the cookies? If so, how long until they go bad? Yes! The kookies last up to 6 months in the freezer. Insider tip: preheat the oven to 375 and bake for 5-7 minutes for fresh baked yumminess.
Do you give discounts to first-time mamas? Yes, sign up for emails and texts to receive 15% off your first order. Subscribe Here.
Why don't you use healthier sugars like coconut sugar or maple sugar/syrup?
We take the ingredients in our cookies very seriously. We have researched the different forms of sugar and find little nutritional difference between the pure cane sugar we incorporate into all of our cookies and other forms of sugar that are often marketed as healthier substitutes.
We believe it’s important to adhere to science backed facts when it comes to the ingredients we use in our cookies. So for this question we refer to the science backed research shared by @foodsciencebabe, a chemical engineer & food scientist. She says: ‘Four of the most common forms of sugar you’d see on a food label or that you’d typically bake with at home are: granulated sugar, organic sugar, raw/turbinado sugar, brown sugar, coconut sugar, honey, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), agave syrup and maple syrup.
Each of these versions of sugar are going to have around 4 calories per gram on a dry weight basis. Since wet ingredients like honey and syrups have a bit more moisture than the dry sugars such as granulated sugar, the amount of calories per gram is slightly lower, however, per gram of actual sugar (dry weight basis) the calories are the exact same and all are considered to be added sugars.
Some of these sugars may contain low levels of additional nutrients, therefore you may see claims of those being healthier, but in order to get a significant amount of any of these nutrients you’d have to eat quite a bit of sugar in the process.
The biggest difference between something like granulated sugar and honey or maple syrup is going to be the taste and functionality in specific applications, but swapping regular sugar for coconut sugar in a cookie recipe isn’t going to make them more nutritious.
A common misconception is that HFCS is “high” in fructose compared to most sweeteners, but the truth is that it’s only “high” in fructose compared to the corn syrup it was derived from, which is purely glucose. You can see on the graphic that HFCS-55 contains a similar ratio of fructose to glucose as both sugar (sucrose) and honey, and HFCS-42 is even lower in fructose than all of the other options. Pure sucrose is 50% fructose and 50% glucose, which is chemically bound. This chemical bond is rapidly broken down by the sucrase enzyme in the intestine, which releases fructose and glucose for absorption.
Bottom line? Sugar is sugar for the most part, and all of these forms of sugar are considered to be “added sugars,” which can be enjoyed by most people in moderation.